August Astrology Report: Lead With Your Heart

astrology Aug 01, 2024

Whoooooeeeeee 🌟 August promises to be quite the Astrological month, my cosmically inclined friends.🌟

We are right in the middle of our Leo season influence; worshipping the Sun, opening up our hearts, and forging ahead despite obstacles and challenges. If Leo season kicked off full of frustration for you, shake it off, a lot of it was attributed to the Full Moon in Capricorn that opened the Leo season show. 

I think it’s important that before we launch into all of the August Astrology that we centre ourselves around Leo’s energy. This month will be cosmically active and I think if you can hold Leo’s essence at your core, it will always bring you back into alignment. I am not saying it is going to be easy, but I want to give you a place to land right back into your heart space. 

Leo is about having the courage to live a life that is fuelled by your heart, your desire, and your courage to persevere in the face of rejection. Leo has one of the biggest, most generous hearts of zodiac and their energy demands that you feel good about yourself; these Lions are the captains of our cheerleading squad. They break tension with their humour to remind us to go back to love and they have the most dramatic stories to entertain us and remind us life should be lived with passion.

Ohhhhh did I just spark a little Leo crush in you all? πŸ’–

We’ve covered the Leo love, now let’s talk about their strength. Leo’s words are “I will” and girl will they ever! So many of us live our lives waiting, waiting, and waiting…….for what? The fear to subside, to be ready, the timing to be right, the nod of approval from someone, to hear “I am proud of you”, or the assuredness we won’t fail. 

Now, I want to ask you a question: What does any of that ☝🏼have to do with expressing what is in your heart? 

You have in your hands right now a PERMISSION SLIP to live a life that is YOURS. A life that is fuelled by passion, creativity and the full expression of what you want and who you want to be. A life that you will pursue with a ferocity that overpowers the rejection, the obstacles, the challenges, the fear and the need for approval. 

If you can feel my own energy through these words; it’s because I was just handed my permission slip again this week. I am sharing this story with you because I hope it fucking inspires you:

If you read my last blog post I shared that I have a lump in my breast that I was in the process of having diagnosed. I have been sending deep, heartfelt shares with my email subscribers and the members of the FB group I host, the Soulful Zodiac about what the journey has taught me. Well…..this past week I completed all of the diagnostic testing and I am so, so ecstatically sharing that I AM CANCER FREE πŸ’–πŸŽ‰ As a two time Cancer survivor, this was the first time I have received a negative result from a diagnostic test for Cancer. It literally felt like I was handed my permission slip back, like I was being told to go live this beautiful life you have created, to enjoy all you have overcome as you forged your own heart led path. 

I am going to do exactly that and I hope you will join me!

🌞 That you will run naked towards the Sun waving your Permission Slip in the air.🌞

New Moons, Mercury Retrograde and Venus in Virgo, oh my! 

On August 4th and 5th, we have a busy cosmic forecast. August 4th will bring a New Moon in Leo at 4:13am PDT occurring at 12° Leo and Venus will enter Virgo. On August 5th we will welcome a Mercury retrograde. These occurrences together can be used as a time to reset and refresh. It’s a time to pull out your calendar for the rest of the summer and see where you can erase a “doing” and insert a “being”. 

I want you to ask yourself: Can I find self care, self nurture, and play time in this calendar? If the answer is no, pull out the eraser my friend.  

You’ll get bonus points if one of the things you erase is something you are doing to meet another’s expectation of you. 

With Mercury going retrograde the next day, this is the perfect time to include more rest and restoration; Venus in Virgo will also be influencing this call. It’s an even better time to think about a screen and social media break. Mercury will be f**king with your technology and communication anyways, so just put it down. I am doing a pretty crazy 30 day challenge, starting today, in preparation for this Mercury retrograde….get on the email subscriber list because I am inviting them to join me and am doing a pretty cool giveaway for it. 

Click here to join our list and find out what I am up to for the next 30 days

Take a beat and a deep breath before you act on August 14 

 Each transit this month will build on the ones that came before it, isn’t Astrology so cool! I hope you’ve re-adjusted that calendar before this date. On August 14 we have a rare Mars and Jupiter meet up in Gemini and it could cause you to leap before you look πŸ‘€ Mars is the planet of action and drive, Jupiter is the planet of expansion; its big energy that has to be harnessed. It is your choice how you want to feed this astro beast; are we going to use it to make bold moves or are we going to act impulsively to escape the anxiety we could feel? I am inviting you to move with intention and not be lead by discomfort. Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself: What is my intention with this action? 

Mercury moonwalks into Leo and bathes in the Sun’s light on August 18

The energy is building, building and building as Mercury will not only retrograde through Virgo but will slide right into Leo on August 18. If that wasn’t enough it is going to Cazimi on the same day. A Cazimi is when a planet and the Sun meet in the exact same place in the sky- it bathes, purifies and intensifies the energy of the planet it touches. If that was not enough- on this same day, yes the same day…Mercury and Venus will all form a tense relationship to Uranus in Taurus. This day can bring unpredictable and unexpected events or revelations to the surface. BUT, don’t fret because it all is in the name of leading with Leo courage and love. Do not be surprised if this day you realize that the expectations and obligations you have placed on yourself have sucked the play and child like wonder right out of your life. Have you been in “adulting” mode for a little too long? Can you remember the last time you were silly? Have a think on that! 

Whatever may come forward for you that day, if you are ready for a change or shift in your perspective, I invite you to communicate it to the people who need to know as honestly and straight up as you can.

The Full Moon in Aquarius- Forge your own path 

All of August’s energy is guiding us toward the culmination of this Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 at 11:25am PDT occurring at 27°. My wish is that you have worked with the energy up to this point and are welcoming a shift in your perspective. 

πŸͺ A shift that stared with that Permission Slip you were reminded of holding.

πŸͺ A shift that opened your eyes to how you schedule your life around rest and play.

πŸͺ A shift that made you curious about what leading from the heart could look like.

πŸͺ A shift that unlocked your courage to make a move.

With the Full Moon in Aquarius you are being asked to chase the dream that cannot be hindered by rejection or abandoned because people you love just don’t get it. A dream, a wish, a long term plan that has you living a life of authenticity. I would encourage you, on this Full Moon, to find people that can hear your dream, encourage your wish, and who can support you in putting it out into the world.

“If we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls.” Maya Angelou 

The sweet surrender of Sun in Virgo 

As we take rest and move through the days following the Full Moon, we will welcome Virgo season on August 22. This will feel like a long, deep sigh, the exhalation we will need. I would invite you to think about the month of August, to take a moment of reflection. If something changed, shifted, moved and you find yourself on a new path, forging a new way to be……….how are you going to care for yourself during this change? What will you do to ensure that YOU are showing up in your life in a way that feels good, feels aligned, and fills you with hope. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s okay if it doesn’t look exactly how you thought it would, the only measuring stick we will hold up is how you feel.


Read for your Rising Sign to get the most accurate insight.


Shower yourself with self care and indulge in self nurturing Aries! Love up on yourself this month in more ways than one, and take some time to rest. I promise it will feel like a reset, a fresh start. Surround yourself with the friends who come with no expectations; the ones who fill your cup and cheer on your dreams.  Share your hopes for the future, tell them what you are working towards, and don’t be surprised when they say “what I can do to help make this happen?” DING, DING, DING dream team material. Take them up on the offer, grab onto that extended hand. With Mercury retrograde, you are invited to think about love, romance and passion- do you need a little spark to get that area roaring a little more?


You’re gonna love this month, Earth spirit. I want you to ask yourself a question about your sensuality…..are you feeling like a grape that has been dried up like a raisin in the sun or are you bursting with lush, juicy, sweetness? I invite you to spend this month, sinking in. To eat a meal you prepared slowly, to kiss your lover softly, to play your favourite music and swing your hips, and passively watch the rhythm of nature. The area of your life where you balance nurture and productivity is being highlighted this month. Quality time with family, readjusting your home so it feels like sanctuary, and being curious about that word passion and where you find it in your life is the name of your August game. Slow down, it’s your favourite pace remember! 


I want to know what you have learned lately Gemini. Tell me the fresh new insight you have gained and what you are doing to put it into action. Stop worrying about what others will think, or misinterpret, and focus on following your truth! There is an opportunity to expand your consciousness, but you need to slow your pace a little and remove the distractions to unlock it. Will you be curious and open about what your environment, your daily routines, and that next event could hold for you? Lift your head up take a look around, I promise there is wonderment to be found even in the everyday places. Take a different route the next time you leave your house, make local travel a priority, and ask yourself: What and who do I need to be happy? It’s not as much as you think and it opens a world of possibilities.


This month will pull safety, security and stability to the forefront for you. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there is a shift in your financial situation. My dear friend Cancer, August brings the promise of release, of undoing old narratives that are not yours, and redefining what you want the next chapter to be. I would invite you to take this month and ask yourself: What was the dream or the vision I had for my future when I was younger, maybe even as a child? Before life and all of its pain and circumstances, what did you want. Hold that vision from the past up and ask yourself if it’s still relevant today. Don’t be surprised if your 5, 10 or 15 year old self was on to something that you feel a deep pull to get back to. 


Self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth…it’s about you this month Leo. Take a look in the mirror and answer the question Who am I? You can take this onto the physical plane…is your wardrobe, your hair, your skincare or makeup routine, an accurate reflection of how you see yourself? Maybe it’s time for an overhaul or a few small adjustments. The best question to ask yourself: When I walk into a room do I look for nods of approval to know I look okay or do I bring “feast your eyes on my glorious self” vibes? This energy is important to sink into because the Full Moon is going to highlight the area of your life that rules relationships. I am going keep the questions coming: Is the way you show up in your 1:1 relationships an accurate reflection of who you are? Calm the ego, you have the courage to attend to these areas of your life.


Have you been serving yourself, AS MUCH as you have been serving others, Virgo? If the closets and cupboards are unorganized, if you can’t remember the last time you made a home cooked meal or moved your body, if you can’t remember the last time you had a moment alone to do something for yourself I want you to hit the pause button, like hit it right now. Spend this month doing for YOU, being in service to self. Re-establish your rituals and spiritual practice. Set a timer for 15 minutes a day and re-organize your life, slowly but surely over the month. Maybe you can put a project down for a couple of weeks, so you can come back to it re-energized, re-focused, and renewed. 


Libra, libra, libra it’s time to take a look at your long term goals. This month the focus will be on the vision of the future and long range planning. If I can invite a new perspective for you when putting this all together…don’t ask anyone what they think you should do. Quiet the noise, turn the notifications on your phone off, put your hand on your heart and dream of the future. You may find this month, that the paths you have followed, some of the friends and groups you belong to, are not a reflection of who you really are now. That’s okay, it’s just information, a new insight to follow. With no outside influence, draw, paint, write, meditate on what you want your life to look like- don’t outsource the power of your goals for the approval of another.


Scorpio your career and professional aspirations are at the forefront this month. Perhaps there is a promotion, new opportunity or a business you are wanting to launch. When the New Moon arrive put all of those career pursuits out into the Universe. While you’re doing all of this career manifesting, I would invite you to consider what expectations you have of yourself in terms of your accomplishments and how you define success. Are these your own definitions and narratives or were they handed to you from someone else? Are they still relevant for you? Don’t be surprised if your home makes an appearance this month, meaning you may move, renovate or create a little zen zone for yourself.


Break out of the everyday this month Sag! Plan a trip near or far, sign up for a new course, give yourself the gift of a new experience. Pick up that hobby or activity you have let fall by the wayside. Careful of the tendency to be impulsive, to spend, eat or drink to tamper down the call you are feeling for new. Coffee, sugar and that new amazon purchase can only stave off a boredom of the soul and mind for so long. We want you sucking all the sweet juice out of each and everyday. You live with such passion and purpose, do you need a little fire lit under your butt?


Capricorn, this month could see a change in your financial resources particularly around any joint finances or investments. No need to do anything in this area, just allow the change to happen. The one area of your life that you could actively work with is your sensuality dear Cap! When was the last time you experienced the pleasure of being in a body. A massage, a long wander in nature, laying on a blanket and staring at the sky…full permission to go as far away as you need to be able to put it all down for a minute. I would invite you to spend a day, maybe a whole weekend with your phone off. Be unreachable, disconnect so you can reconnect.


What is the status of your relationships Aquarius? Has there been a rub lately, maybe an insight into a place where your needs are not being met? When I say your relationships I mean all of them; every 1:1 relationship in your life from intimate, platonic, business and everything in between (even your financial advisor). I would invite you to explore the Dunbar theory and that we can only hold enough emotional space for about 150 meaningful contacts in our life at one time (look it up I know it will fascinate you). I want you to think about your meaningful contacts and what they are bringing to your life or better yet how they make you feel.


Make your health a priority this month Pisces. That blood test, dr appointment, movement routine, supplement game, and your nutrition are all up for cosmic influence this month. This also includes your spiritual practice, it’s time to tap in again. If you have been floating around all summer, going where the wind blows, or where people have expected you to be- has your own self care been compromised because of it?When was the last time you were able to have some solitude, to be left alone so you can get lost in a book, a movie or staring out the window. Take care of the body, the everyday routines, so you can pull away and lift the bag of responsibility off your shoulders for a bit.