October 2024 Astrology Forecast

astrology Oct 04, 2024

Oct. 2: Solar eclipse and New Moon in Libra

Oct. 9: Jupiter retrograde begins in Gemini until February 4

Oct. 11: Pluto stations direct-ending retrograde

Oct. 13: Mercury in Scorpio until November 2

Oct. 17: Full Moon in Aries

Oct. 22: Sun in Scorpio- Scorpio Season

Oct. 28: Venus in Sagittarius until November 11

October is bringing some magic our way and I think we could all use a little cosmic relief after an eclipse season that stirred up some shit, right? 

I am not going to go back over the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, there is an entire blog post complete with horoscopes for you to peruse here Click Here

What I will say about that cosmic event on October 2 is that it rocked so many people! So if you are still recovering and re-calibrating to the changes that came your way- you are not alone. We are all getting our bearings, figuring out what the lessons were, and making decisions about what our next moves will be. If you can see this time right now like you are learning to ride a bike again, starting with some training wheels until you feel comfortable, then you will be giving yourself a very compassionate gift. Give yourself the grace of a new learner.

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini on October 9

Before you start eye rolling with the “Oh great, another retrograde!” Allow me to inform you that we love this retrograde! Not all retrogrades are like Mercury.

Jupiter is our planet of beneficence it brings joy, luck, good fortune, and expansion with no stop line- there’s a reason it’s the biggest, fattest planet in the sky. When Jupiter begins its annual backwards spin (retrograde) on October 9 you can expect a deep level of introspection and a lot of philosophizing on the area of your life it will impact. Where Jupiter is retrograding through matters, and this year it is in Gemini-ruled by the planet Mercury which represents our intellect, communication, and the way we perceive and process information in relation to others. 

It’s important to note that Jupiter will not impact your external world while retrograding- not influencing your to do lists, responsibilities or love life. It will be working on your emotions, your psychology and bringing with it your self-reflection and inner work. 

You’ll be able to tap into the bigger picture and welcome the realizations and insight about where you can find growth, expansion and maybe the courage to take that leap of faith. The caution, as there always is with Astrology, be mindful you don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Pluto goes direct- ending its retrograde on October 11

If you have been having to revisit old patterns, the psychological undercurrents and behaviours that have kept you stuck, or if you have been re-examining choices or changes you made- you are right on track.

It’s your opportunity from now until November to tie up any loose ends or things you need to clear up so you can begin this fresh new cycle you’re moving into with a clean slate.

The timelines you want to look at regarding changes or “aha” moments are from March to June 2023 and from January to September of 2024. 

Perhaps you’re not lost at all, your Life GPS just sent you on a little detour from that new path you were navigating. It’s time to re-enter those coordinates, wipe the dirt from your shoes and pick the leaves out of your hair because you found yourself back on the right path again. 

Mercury enters Scorpio on October 14 

Busy, deep and intense is what comes when Mercury and Scorpio are together. Our intuitive and psychic knowing can become elevated; don’t rationalize what you know is true. 

We’re willing to have the honest conversations and remove the sugary coating from our communication. But, remember whatever shadow you may bring forward, the call is to bring it into the light, and to hold it there. Transformation comes when we practice intimate trust and surrender with ourselves.

Be mindful of the way you cope with this intense honest truth time; be aware of the habits you begin to entertain. This is not a time for secret keeping with yourself or others. 

Whatever is coming up for you; it’s for a very good reason. There is wisdom to be found within, and a promise of transformation. What if you finally find the lit pathway out of your own darkness and shadow so you never get stuck there again? What a gift of freedom that could be.

Be mindful of when you get overly intense or find yourself wanting to control everything. You have choice in where you want to put your incredible power and energy.

Full Moon in Aries on October 17 

Are you ready to put your wants and needs first? This Full Moon is going to put the spotlight on YOU. A boost of confidence, the “oomph” you need to get you back in the fighting spirit is coming my friends. 

If your warrior vibes have been in retreat, they’re restored and ready for action. This Full Moon will absolutely put the emotions on high, so be careful where you pick your battles during this lunar transit. And well, if you fuck it up just make sure you have been practicing your “I’m sorry, please forgive me” delivery. We’re human and we’re in this experience together.

It’s time to release the places where others have been holding you back or keeping you off track. I am not saying anyone has been out to get you or doing this purposely. Sometimes we get lost in doing for others and we realize that our own garden of hopes and dreams has become overgrown. It’s finally your turn again.

Give them a little a bit of “you’re either on or off the bus with me, but I’m going to my next stop.” Advocate for what you need and hold your ground- you are the leader of your own life and no one else. 

I’ll be bringing you the Full Moon horoscopes for your sign closer to October 17.

It’s Scorpio season on October 22 my true crime, conspiracy uncovering, psychological deep diving friends!

This is my favourite zodiac season, hands down! It’s dark outside, we’re cozied up inside and are watching the halloween movies, psychological thrillers and true crime docs.

There’s an alluring, mysterious vibe to this season. It brings out our desires and our need for intimacy and deep union. It’s non-verbal communication or long chats in front of the fire- it’s getting to explore unchartered places inside of ourselves and with those we trust the most. 

It’s pleasure that transcends the earth plane and takes us to places we didn’t think were possible. What if the only rule during this Scorpio season was to do what feels good- no hang ups! You just have to say yes and let yourself fall into ecstasy. I’m sure you’re thinking sex, but think bigger and more expansive. Haven’t you had one of those nights where all the elements are just right and you felt like you touched a little place of magic for a few hours? Felt a light shine on a place you thought had gone dark; and were surprised there was still magic to be found. 

Look for the places that you were sure were stuck in darkness and see what you find there or put the reins around a part of your life you feel is edging into the shadows. Find trust, find power, find surrender. OOOOO! It’s so good.

Venus in Sagittarius on October 28 

Let’s light this f**ker up!! Maybe that’s a little harsh for Venus. We’re setting your love aflame during this transit. No, this isn’t just for those of us that have a special someone in our lives.

Your need for creature comforts, to feel loved, and to re-ignite your passions is turned way up. So surround yourself with beauty, feed the craving for new experiences, turn a friend into a lover if you’re comfortable with that kind of thing- you make the rules. 

Put on that cozy sweater, go get that PSL, and take a walk through nature or go window shopping. Have a bubble bath or alot of them. Ooooooze those yummy vibes- just be mindful we overindulge in a good way, not a destructive one. Sag has a hard time with stop signs- they don’t want a pinch of something they want a handful.

Find your free spirited, lighter self for a moment or for one evening and just say hit to them. We all need to let our hair down sometimes and just let that shit go. Sagittarius is ready to strike that match for you!