Full Moon in Aquarius: One Step Further into Change

Aug 19, 2024

I hope that whatever your summer holds-whether indoors or out, carefree or heavy- you have someone or something you love to remind you of where you’re heading, and to fly alongside with you. - Lena Dunham on Instagram 

Doesn’t that quote just bring a tear to your eye. Ready to really have your heart strings pulled? It was a tribute piece to her beloved dog, “her familiar” as she referred to her sweet pup. It was about finding community and connection, “that someone or something”, that meets you exactly where you are at and wants to come along for the ride.

BTW: I adore Lena Dunham, and if you haven’t watched the series “Girls” , please take this as a big flashing sign that you should. That show is so beautifully written, and artistically curated in a way, that impacts your mind. It’s a series I rewatch.

Lena’s quote struck a chord that resonates deep into the Full Moon in Aquarius. A Full Moon which will occur today, August 19 at 11:25am PST at 27° degrees Aquarius.

One way to work with a Full Moon is to go back, about six months, and reflect on what was happening during the New Moon in the same sign. 

WAIT, wait, wait don’t go running away, I have all the timelines for you and the guidance I was providing, I GOT YOU! 

The New Moon in Aquarius was in February. That Aquarian New Moon had heavy involvement from Uranus, just like this Full Moon does (hmmm it’s like there’s a connection). Uranus is the planet that rules Aquarius, the plot thickens, It’s our planet of rebellion, eccentricity, and unexpected change. When Uranus is involved with anything you know that a shift is coming, and one you usually did not see coming. The trick with Uranian energy, is not to focus on what it changed, but to find what it set you free from. 

During the February New Moon, I asked of everyone if you had:

A plan go awry? 

Something that rocked your current course? 

A realization you weren’t anticipating, but now feels so right? 

A sudden detachment from an experience or situation that feels like it has been plaguing you?

I am asking the same question of you again☝🏼But I want you to include a reflection on how you have navigated those waters.

For some of you, a smile may be spreading across your face because you realized you found the freedom, the light, the truth for you. For some others, this will remind you of what was started and what you may still be finding your way through; have faith my dear soul. 

The advice I gave during the New Moon was to use the time to reset so you can walk with a renewed sense of clarity. To know that you’re being asked to follow your heart and do what feels right for YOU. To break patterns and conforming narratives that have been telling you what you SHOULD and instead asking the all important question:

What do I want? 

The guidance I am giving you under this Full Moon is to release, to shed, to pull back another layer of this journey. To hand back over the Universe any lingering thoughts that are holding you back and to allow the Moon to illuminate a truth you may not have been willing to see just yet. Give yourself permission to allow the truth to be “carefree or heavy” as Lena would say.

Your Full Moon Horoscope awaits….


This Full Moon is activating your house of community and future possibilities. Aries, you may find you are craving a new crowd, maybe you’ve found them already. What has this summer season taught you about yourself? I wouldn’t be surprised if the shift in community has moved your values around a bit, had you reexamining what you truly cherish in this life. Examine under this Full Moon what you need, at the very base level, to feel fulfilled, safe, and secure; move forward from that place.


This Full Moon is placing a spotlight on career, professional reputation, and how your work contributes to the greater whole. Take the opportunity to ask yourself what the next phase of your success is going to be defined by? Take time exploring what you expect of yourself, where you will source accomplishment. Where can a heart-led passion meet some discipline to realize a dream? This Full Moon is full permission for you to slow down, to soak in comfort, and think about what is possible.


This Full Moon illuminates your desire to travel in body or mind. There is a desire burning inside of you for new experiences. Travel to a new place, find a new spiritual practice, or take a new course or training. You’ve realized recently that you want to move differently in the world, perhaps you felt uninspired these past months. Uranus has shaken something loose and you are ready to be lit up and excited again.


This Full Moon may have felt like an emotional purging, dear Cancer. The last remnants of old patterns or habits being washed away; I promise it is in the name of transformation. When a butterfly first emerges from the cocoon, its wings are soft and fragile, it has to move them to dry them off and strengthen them so they can fly. It’s okay to still be drying off your wings. Be gentle with this Full Moon, nurture your way into a new beginning.


This Full Moon is highlighting your relationships, every single one of them Leo. From co-workers, besties, professionals you see, to intimate partners and the casual love affair. You may be thinking: what have you done for me, lately? (Cue the Paula Abdul song). You may find yourself focused on those balanced or imbalanced relationship scales. Is there reciprocity of your generosity, love and adoration? I’ll do you another solid: Is there reciprocity for the generosity, love and adoration you are receiving from another? Start there Leo, allow the shift.


This Full Moon is actually kind of made for you Virgo. It is occurring in the area of your life, that Virgo already rules. Systems, organization, natural healing, and how you care for your body. If summer got you a little off track, stop running that narrative through your mind. Turn your gaze and focus on the intention you are setting for the next six months. What habit or routine are you inviting back in? What system did you have in place that was making you feel so good, and you are realizing you need it back?


This Full Moon is lighting up your house of love, passion, creativity and drama. Libra if you are feeling a little “swoony” lately, lost in a new dream, why not just let it happen? A deep passion towards a creative desire, a little romantic getaway for one or two, a new baby, a celebration, a new pet, a desire to see art and beauty. Full permission to fill YOUR hearts desire. Light your inner world up, shine straight from your heart. Gaze at the horizon and not the calendar on your desk.


This Full Moon is lighting up home, family, and nurturing. Take some time today Scorpio and wander around your home, include the outdoor spaces. As you walk around your home, touching the walls, smiling at the photos, breathing in the smells, take note of what parts feel good and what parts don’t. We want to have your awareness on sanctuary and rest, is your home a true retreat from the everyday world? If the answer is yes then bask in that gratitude. If the answer is no, be curious about how you get there. This can go from renovations to sticking that “For Sale” sign in your front your yard. You decide.


This Full Moon is sending electrical pulses into your network. Sagittarius you may find you want to be around and with your people right now. You want to be out- outside, out to lunch, out adventuring, out seeking new experiences. The focus is on what is local to you, what in your everyday world or community backyard have you not experienced yet. Sometimes the profound can be found in the familiar. Take a new route to your next appointment, stop at that bookstore you’ve been eye’ing, join a new group on Facebook for your area. 


This Full Moon is shining on your house of safety, worth, and values. This is a good one for you Cap, if you’ll lean in! This Full Moon is a time to reflect on the last six months and ask- what have you learned about yourself? You went through big changes this year and you have discovered so much about who you are and how you want to move through the world. If you were to write a list down of how you would have described yourself six months ago and how you would describe yourself right now, how do those lists look? Now have you also shifted your values around those new words, redefined what makes you feel safe, secure, stable and worthy.


The Full Moon is in the house of SELF for you Aquarius. How fitting given that it’s your Full Moon. Take some time to think about the vision you had for yourself? You can go back to when you were little and had dreams of…. Or perhaps you find yourself reminiscing on young adult you…or six months ago you. There is a piece to find that you are ready to move away from or are trying to get back to after an experience or circumstance derailed you. Sometimes, the way forward can feel backwards.


This Full Moon is highlighting undoings and finding ritual in the spiritual. Pisces, you may find yourself moving in a different rhythm than everyone around you. A feeling of separateness could be occurring, not to be confused with isolation and loneliness. What if the rhythm you are following, even though it may move you away from others, is where you will find your greatest sense of belonging. Imagine you are creating a big open space for more love, compassion, authenticity and connection. You can only hold so much space for the people around you, it’s your job to determine who gets the privilege of your space.

Some Reflection Practices

These are the journal prompts I gave you six month’s ago, I’d be curious to see if your answers have changed:

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

When I listen to and attend to my needs, in a nurturing way, I notice my relationships…..

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 

When I express myself without fear of judgement from others I feel…..

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

The last time I gave myself rest, without exhaustion or illness being the catalyst, I felt…..

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

If I believed my power could be shared to uplift others I would……