Jupiter in Gemini: Silent and Listen

May 25, 2024

Jupiter will move into the sign of Gemini on May 25, 2024 until June 9, 2025 and with it a conscious expanding experience begins. What a beautiful addition to the Full Moon in Sagittarius energy we are still under.

Jupiter is our planet of EXPANSION. It represents abundance, good luck, fortune, generosity and the occasional overstep or overindulgence..”whoops” says Jupiter. 

It all sounds like a lovely wave  to ride, but not so fast. Jupiter will expand anything you point it towards, sometimes that can you leave you going down a not so pleasant path or too many paths. 🌊

The key to working with planets is understanding the energy, the area of your life it will impact, and then harnessing the energy to be used towards your growth and evolution. I’m not saying the experience of it will be easy, but you’ll have insight so it doesn’t take you out 💖

I want Astrology to happen for you, NOT TO YOU! 

Back to Jupiter in Gemini.

Jupiter will be aiming its energy through the sign of Gemini. Gemini rules our intellect, communication, and desire for more information, among many other things. But I am going to focus on the expansiveness and insight you could achieve under this transit. 

Gemini is Jupiter’s “detriment” placement, meaning when Jupiter is in the sign of Gemini it’s energy is not as strong, slightly muted if you will. I think this Jupiter light energy is a great and I am going to tell you why..keep reading. It’s a great story….

The Story

I have recently stumbled upon this incredible, spiritual, emotional, profound experience and not just one…but a steady continuous stream of them.

Want to know what I have found?

Is it a plant medicine that takes me on a healing journey?

Is it a wellness retreat where I have found renewed appetite for life?

Is it days of silence, and hours in meditation?

Nope, not one of those things. And I love all those things, please don’t get me wrong. They all have benefit. But what I have stumbled across is being PRESENT, right here, right now. 

I am meditating with an open gaze, and paying attention to that tiny millisecond between exhale and inhale. There’s divinity in that moment.

I am dancing daily, allowing my body to have just as much freedom of expression as my mind.

I am continuously practicing to stay attuned to my “felt sense” (a Peter Levine insight). In any given moment, I feel into where I am, why I am safe, why I am comfortable and I adjust as I need. When I feel my mind wander, I remember where I physically am.

I can’t tell you how much truth, self-discovery and a  deeper level to my journey I have found. It was right in front of me, I just forgot to look at it for awhile.

Stay with me. 

I am worried that in a world where we have access to so many beautiful experiences that allow us to search for the truth, we’re forgetting the impactful of experience of here and now. Of being totally connected to the rhythm of our daily lives.

Take a look at the questions I am posing to you below 👇

When was the last time you touched all the surfaces of your home, felt into your space? When was the last time you went into every room in your home? Are you able to close your eyes and describe how your space looks, feels, tastes, sounds and smells like?

When was the last time that phones and tablets were off as part of your morning routine? When was the last time you woke up without immediately reaching for your phone? Have you had a quiet morning, where you intentionally moved through your routine? Experienced the sun on your face, the smell of morning coffee, a brush through your hair, a warm shower before you let the rest of the world in.

When was the last time that you spent one FULL DAY attending and responding to your needs? Have you ever paid attention to how many cues from your body you ignore: hunger, thirst, bathroom break, rest, movement. You wait to meet your needs until that email is sent, that IG post is up, or you just finish that one laaaast thing. I wonder what kind of signals that sends to your nervous system, over time 🤔

When was the last time you took a trip and went for the scenic route? To have a little adventure in your own backyard. What if your next coffee haunt, bookshop, art gallery or who knows is on that route? What if Mother Nature is putting on a show today on that scenic route?

Are you getting the picture 📸

With Jupiter in Gemini I would like to invite you to be PRESENT. To allow the expansiveness to take you in and not out. Let it light up the network of siblings and friends you’ve not touched base with in a while, bring sunshine into your morning, discover new places to explore on old routes, an old hobby that needs some dusting off, and the divinity in between exhale and inhale.