The Buck Moon: Full Moon in Capricorn

astrology Jul 19, 2024


It feels like I already wrote this blog? Because it’s true….kind of 😳

If you’re getting a feeling of deja vu it’s because we already had a Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st. There is a super cool occurrence in Astrology where our Astro and Earth Calendars have to “catch up” to one another because they are a little off from one another. When this Calendar “catch up” occurs we end up having back to back Full Moons in the same sign. 


In every sign there are 30 degrees, from 0° to 29°, each degree influences or intensifies the expression of the Zodiac Sign’s energy.

So, even though we have 2 Full Moons in Capricorn the degrees of these 🌕Lunations🌕 will influence the feel.

The June 21 Full Moon was at 1° Capricorn.

The July 21 Full Moon will be at 29° Capricorn.

The 29° in Astrology is significant, also known as the "anaretic degree" or the "degree of Fate". It signals the end of an era, the culminating point of completion and change. 

Let’s apply all of this to the Full Moon in Capricorn at 29° on July 21, 2024 at 3:17am PT

I need you to tell me what started around June 21st for you? 

  •  Was there an emotion or emotions that were stirred up, the unexpected kind?
  •  Did you start a new project or launch a new endeavour?
  •  Did you begin to see a situation from a new perspective?
  •  Did you receive news you were not anticipating?
  • Were you moving through the next stage of big growth on a longer journey?

Now tell me where you currently are with whatever kicked off around that June 21 date? 

Take some time with this, pull your journal out to look back, comfortable or uncomfortable you’ve been moving through it! Acknowledge that and acknowledge what you have learned so far 💖

I like to refer to the sign of Capricorn like the responsible adult we all need in our lives; keeps you on track and focused. Holds you accountable to making your dreams happen. However, with the Full Moon at the 29° we are feeling pressure, urgency, we know a change is coming, and it can cause us to scramble. If you have been feeling agitated, irritated, overwhelmed or like you are one wrong look or word from a breakdown…then you’re on track my friend! 

This energy will poke and prod at you, so that you DO SOMETHING with it. Harness it, guide it, and listen deeply to what it is asking of you. 

It’s second chance, do-over, respond differently, change the approach time.

What if you took all that pressure, overwhelm and urgency as a call to move differently, to shift your focus?

I will give you a vulnerable share from my heart to yours in the hopes that it will spark something for you:

I found a lump in my breast just before the Full Moon on June 21st. As a 2 time, 2 different Cancer’s survivor, this was devastating. When you have survived Cancer, and you know there’s possibility its back, its an incredibly difficult thing to navigate, to sit in the discomfort of, because it brings everything up from your past experiences, from my past experiences. I have never gone for diagnostic testing for suspicion of Cancer and heard the word negative, it has always come back with Cancer. I made a commitment to myself that I would be open to love, that I would meet my healing with love. I specifically said “I will not armour up, I will open up”. To tell you the truth, I lost my way for a little bit. I went to the depths of the worst possible outcomes, it was so hard. As the Full Moon came closer, the pressure increased and so did the overwhelm. I stopped! I took time one evening, and said what did you start on June 21st; it was to meet this undiagnosed lump with love. So I spent the evening going back to what I know- Devotion. I sat at my altar, chanted, and prayed and asked for guidance, and today I woke up back in the space of love, back in the place where I know I can hold the discomfort until I have a diagnosis. I reminded myself that despite the situation I currently find myself in: If the diagnosis could be Cancer then the pendulum must also swing to the fact that I am well! So I am here, one week away from a mammogram and an ultrasound, holding the space, harnessing the Full Moon energy to release the vibration of impending doom. I will be spending the next few days of this Full Moon chanting, praying, refreshing my altar. It’s my get to work project, to protect my vibes. I will also spend a significant amount of time in nature, by the lake, in quiet so I can listen to myself, enjoy being with myself.

I am so grateful to Grandmother Moon for putting me under her finger so I could refocus and find the place I want to be. 

I deeply wish the same for you. If you stopped for a minute, what would you be reminded of?

Instead of big full horoscopes, I am giving you a little guidance by posing some questions to snap you out of the pressure and give you a place to FOCUS. Please read for your Rising Sign

Aries: Take this time to think about your career path. What was the contribution you wanted to make in the world?

Taurus: Think about the new experience you are craving. Is there travel, a course, or an adventure you have been researching?

Gemini: Reflect on the give and take of intimacy: the power, the control, the desire. Are there dynamics at play in your relationship that need to be addressed?

Cancer: You relationships are a focus under this Full Moon. Are you meeting your needs before you meet others?

Leo: Your health, structures, and routine are being lit up. How are you feeling Leo, how do you want to feel?

Virgo: You have romance and love on the mind. When was the last time you went on a date? Solo or otherwise

Libra: Your home and the people in it are at the forefront. Is your home a place of rest and sanctuary?

Scorpio: Friends, community and your network are being illuminated. When was the last time you had a deep, honest, fill your cup conversation with your dear friend(s)?

Sagittarius: Your sensuality, security and money have the Moon’s gaze. When was the last time you looked at what you had, before you went after more? Maybe you have everything you need.

Capricorn: The Moon is pulling you inward, into self-awareness and introspection. Are you moving toward the vision you have of self? It doesn’t have be realized, but are you making progress?

Aquarius: Grandmother Moon is pulling on your forgiveness strings. What is your relationship to forgiveness, do you see it as a spiritual practice?

Pisces: You could be thinking about the future, the possibilities. Where do you see yourself in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years?

Do you want to know more? 

Want to take this guidance and know what the next step is to applying it?

Figure out how Astrologer’s use cosmic guidance to provide the insight above?

Then check out this 🔥 Invitation🔥 >>>>> CLICK HERE 


💖Special Note💖 The Buck Moon or referring to the Buck Moon comes from Indigenous peoples. It refers to the time of year when male deers antlers are growing. However, it is also known as the Raspberry Moon, the Salmon Moon, the Moulting Moon, and Thunder Moon to name just some.